Hi All
i am trying to rest the order of the chair tags, is it possible to achieve that without using python nodes?
Hi All
i am trying to rest the order of the chair tags, is it possible to achieve that without using python nodes?
The easiest way to do this is with a “Guide Curve” (A detail curve indicating how you want to renumber the chairs. I recommend to use a Detail Curve → Spline.
SortAlongCurve.dyn (27.3 KB)
Hi joelmick
First many thanks! but do you mean I have to draw the curve in Revit?
Yes you need something to tell Dynamo how to renumber the chairs. What is did in the picture is that I drew a spline through the elements and dynamo sorts them along the curve.
Have you tried sorting the location of the chairs (points) in terms of Y then X? this method normally works if you the layout of the element follow a grid system?
This is doable but requires some binning logic as there is the potential for Y-values to be near-identical but not truly identical (user error, or a weird room design, 17 and 18 in the image for instance are sliiiightly higher on the y-axis than their counterparts across the table)
hey Renzoj, no i don’t know-how . could you explain more in detail or provide me with examples
Many thanks !!
Thanks alot , i will try it !!