Ceiling types

Hello everyone !
I have to collect the elements of each type of ceiling for further processing ! right now i’m using Element Types + all elements of type nodes as shown below

This method requires my script to be longer than it should so i’m asking is there a node in some package similar to the wall types , floor types and family types nodes that allows me to select a specific ceiling type and process it !


I had problems too. I think there is a problem between Archilab and Bakery. They make sometimes trouble.



I’d suggest avoiding using too many ‘shortcut nodes’ where possible in scripts. It will make your scripts harder to run and deploy across an organisation typically.

I limit package usage to complex functions or things not easily done using a few nodes in combination. I’d suggest considering using data shapes (a very useful package that is hard to replicate the function of), and use the DropDown UI component to prompt the user to pick a ceiling type from the list of them.

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