my doors are from the linked AR model, but here i got already confused
# 0️⃣ Linked Elements
linked_docs = FilteredElementCollector(doc).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_RvtLinks).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()
linkedARCH = [i for i in linked_docs if i.Name.Contains("FM_AR")]
model = linkedARCH[0].GetLinkedDocument()
linked_doors = FilteredElementCollector(model,doc.ActiveView.Id).OfCategory(BuiltInCategory.OST_Doors).WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()
Might have some time to play on this tonight but I need the rvt document and a linked document to do so. Building a project to link in and a family to host in the link instance and then placing the linked instances is a lot of added work to help out. Can you delete all but a half dozen doors and walls in the linked model and all but the half dozen associated instances in the main model, purge unused and post them as ‘link.rvt’ and ‘model.rvt’? Or make a fake data set with your family and hosting conditions?
i have 3 situations:
1.) 1 flush + 1 magnet
2.) 2 flush + 2 magnets
3.) magnet lost in space, without any door ( they shoud pass) ELT_2024-4-10_22.35.20.7z (1.5 MB)
Sorry @Draxl_Andreas I sortoff had the feeding it was a 1 to 1 relationship until you brought in the doubleleaf door with the magnets
This might work for you, Elements inside from BiMorphNodes
(sorry i only had an random electrical test families model open so so i had to improvise what a “Door” and “Magnet”
Your elements arnt actually inside, so the tollerance needs to grow to a size where you expect the magent to be. At tolerance 1 i think you are saying that it essentially is 1mm distance from the door which wouldnt be correct.
Might make your life easier if you also play with the last levels when joining the lists so @l3 there are the doors and @l2 there are the magnets, would make your get set parameters easier after i think.
Yeah i found the same with the statement from BiMorph being “Tolerance distance is converted dynamically to Revit internal units”
But if i’m honest i didn’t want to comit the time to read up on what exactly that meant in terms of distance from edge of boundingbox, i leave that to you