Cartesian coordinates of the element

Hope someone can help me,

I need, through a Dynamo routine, that its Cartesian coordinate x-value appears in the element parameter “comments”

thanks to al!

Have you tried doing anything yet in Dynamo? Have any work to show? Any error messages?

thank you Tom

I’ve tried to do the routine with dynamo, the problem is that i can’t find the right function: “element.SetParametersByName” is just for type parameters but in need the same for instance parameters.

thank you for your helps!

Element.SetParameterByName will work for whatever element you feed it. You’re feeding it the FamilyType so that’s why you can only set the type parameters. Feed it the FamilyInstance and you’ll be able to set instance parameters.

Thanks very much Nick,

Can you help to find it? I can’t find it!

thank you

I have gone a little further… I was able to put its x axis in each element, the problem is that I did not put the axis in an orderly way, that is, each object should have its own axis

It seems that you have put the data randomly
someone could help me?


Thanks to all

Good job working it out. There’s actually no reason to sort the data though since you’re writing the values back to the same element. If you want the schedule data sorted that would be controlled by the schedule, not the Dynamo data.