I’m trying to find the intersections between objects on certain layer and objects on another, but Geometry.DoesIntersect doesn’t reflect the intersection which is already there in the drawings. what is missing here?
I’m attaching here the simple testing drawing, and the script.
PolylinesInsideBoundaries.dwg (1.6 MB)
PolylinesInsideBoundaries.dyn (22.3 KB)
It works for me:
Is that you try to achieve?
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Hola Amigo @MohamedR.Nasreldeen buenas. El nodo Geometry.DoesIntersect, will give you a boolean, true or false and the node Geometry.Intersect, will return the intersect Geometry, Make to much attention because it works comparing lists, you need take care about what you ask, I hope this helps you!!
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It works but with some suspected results.
I’m trying to get the intersection points between the straight lines and the closed borders (Geometry.Intersect lacing is set to be cross product) - the resulted points seem to be unrealistic, what could be the reason for this behaviour?
That is what i mean to make attention what do you ask, more precisly how do you ask, when you use this node in cross product, you are evaluating all the elements of list Geometry vs all the elements of list Other, if you feed both imputs whit the same list all elements will evaluate vs himself, i think that is the “unrealistic results”, but i’m not sure, can you share your’s files??
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Amigo @MohamedR.Nasreldeen hola de nuevo. Really weird, it seems as if the closed polyline behaves as a surface, and gives start and end point when the intersection is evaluated, anyway what I did was to simplify the polyline into simpler elements and now it gives the expected result.
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That seems to be working. thanks so much
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