Cannot find OOTB Nodes from tutorial

Hi Guys,
We have a project that has a lot of views and dependents. I have been tasked with finding a solution to the following project requirements.

  1. create views from levels
  2. create dependent views and add scope boxes
  3. create sheets from reference excel file
  4. place views on sheets (wish list item)

I am really new to this and it is a big task but I’m keen to try get this done. The issue I have is that the tutorial nodes are not appearing in dynamo. I’m not sure if they have been renamed or they are not OOTB nodes however the lecturer doesn’t specify they are from any add on packages. I have posted some images below to help show what i am looking for and results i get when searching. This is the first step that seems it should be fairly easy and already I have hit a hurdle :frowning:
any help would be appreciated or am I biting off more than I can chew here?


had to post in separate responses due to restrictions.

In R24 they generally switched to classes vs element types. You can get levels as a category or class in 2024, here’s a starter script to give ideas of step 1…

Plans per level.dyn (92.9 KB)

I’ve also added some nodes for future scripts that come with R24. Suggest making them as separate scripts not one big one.

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Thanks Gavin, That makes more sense as to why i couldn’t see them and thought it may have been something like that (i was guessing however). There doesn’t appear to be a script attached, can you attach to point me in the right direction?

Just added it. If you havent already done Dynamo primer do that first. Don’t begin with YouTube tutorials.

Thanks again, legend!

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