Cannot convert numeric value

Hi all,

I am trying to get categories using Python and get an error message like this.

I accidentally amended the code like the image below and it works as follows which is what I wanted exactly.

What I hardly understand is that the list of the category can not be selected with a certain index number but it works when I feed the key(such as “Walls”) like a dictionary.
Can anybody advise what I am missing here? The list ‘cat’ in my code is a list, not a dictionary, isn’t it?

My code lists below.

import clr
import sys
import System
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import*
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

import Autodesk
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

import System

doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument
out = []
out_1 = []
cat_selectionLst = IN[0]
cat = doc.Settings.Categories
catName = [x.Name for x in cat]
cat_db_index = [catName.index(i) for i in cat_selectionLst]
catLst = [cat[j] for j in cat_selectionLst]
#catLst_1 = [cat[k] for k in cat_db_index]
OUT = catLst


So it’s a bit confusing because the Python uses ‘list comprehension’ which is a different way of writing an if statement…

for thing in list:
 do something to thing


[do something to thing for thing in list]

The ‘key’ is the category name which is being pulled when you input it x.Name, so that’s why it is returned a bit like a dictionary, but not using a python dictionary to do so… If that makes sense?

Hope that helps,



we can use the Item property of CategoryNameMap


Hi @Mark.Ackerley,

Thank you for your advice!
Unfortunately, it seems that using list comprehension doesn’t affect working like a dictionary as it shows the same result when I use the typical For in statement. But when I make it another list from category list pulled at first(marked with the blue arrow) I can select items with indices as I initially intended. Presumably, just calling categories may not be considered as a list, I guess.

Hi @c.poupin,

Thank you very much. I followed your code and it works well(marked with the green arrow).

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