Can Toposolid Split Lines be added with Dynamo

I’m starting to look at updating my toposurface generating dynamo graphs to work with toposolids. One of the exciting changes is that toposolids support split lines, which are what we call 3D breaklines in survey.

I was looking to see if there was something that I could use to add a string of 3D points to a toposolid as a split line.

I think you want this method: Split Method

But I can’t confirm as I’m not a survey guy, and I don’t see what you’ve done in the UI to confirm the scope.

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Thank you Jacob, can I use that method inside dynamo? I have to date only used nodes that others have made, but think I probably need to take the step up to scripting.

You can, but you’ll have to script it with Python or use C# and produce a zero touch node.

If you post a model I can have a look at some Python later today/this evening - should be pretty straight forward.