Can a polycurve with lines/arcs be converted to Autocad Polyline Object?
Can a polycurve with lines/arcs be converted to Autocad Polyline Object?
If you have access to the Autocad API, yeah.
@Frank_Huang FYI
Hi Estanima, technical we do. currently this is not supported. 3dpolyline doesn’t support arc. while polycurve does. if just 2dpolyline, it will be fine.
for polycurve with lines, it should be OK to.
any thought on related objects in AutoCAd for polycurve with arcs?
For my case I’m hoping to convert it to a 2dpolyine.
Unrelated question: anyone know where the create polyline by three points source is?
Thank you!
Took me a couple hours to figure out what I think you’re referring to. Seems I can use the API very much in the same way I’ve always used it, but take advantage of the visual aspects/tools built in to Dynamo. Thanks! Super excited
With the arcs limitation, you could always interpolate them and set your own fidelity.
I believe that the LinkDWG package version 1.0 had a node for this called ActiveX.ExportCurvesToAutoCAD, which I recall worked with lines, arcs, and polylines. The help documentation in that version was quite robust if anyone is curious to see the ‘how’ spelled out (it is in the extra folder that comes with the package). Sadly the functionality appears to have been moved to the ActiveX.ExportGeometry node which I can’t make work since installing Dynamo for Civil 3D 2020. I am not sure if this leveraged curved PolyCurves though.