Can Dynamo specify the order of execution of battery blocks?

I want to add parameters to the beam first, and then assign values ​​to the parameters. I feel that it is executed at the same time every time, and the assignment operation cannot be performed. After the actual execution is required, the beam adds this parameter and runs it again to assign a value to this parameter.

Hi @981764935 ,

If you show your script we can do some modifications. Might need to add some await node.

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Try passthrough/waitfor/await from clockwork/crumple/orchid respectively.


yes or just do it in a codeblock…


Thank you

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I have quite a large script which all needs to run before another event. How would it be possible to let it run before the second script is executed?

Hello @technitutors …we cant see your image try to zoom in…btw please create a new topic as this one is already solved…thanks

Yes I understand it is solved however it still contains the topic of pass through nodes and rather having someone else comment on it and eventually not get to a solution it would be much better to comment on a topic which multiple know hows have commented on to get their attention. If I start a new topic, I am just rolling the dice on the first person to answer my question, and whether his answer is a solution

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Yeah probably :wink: but i just try to follow our rules here :wink:

How to get help on the Dynamo forums… 6

Why do you want it all in one Script in the first place? :thinking: Why not just run two separate Scripts?

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