Camber Feedback Thread

Looks like you’re trying to load several files that aren’t DWGs. I would suggest adding a *.dwg or something similar to the searchString input of the directory contents node so you filter those out.


That worked! Thanks!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Create corridor surface boundary by code

I want create 3D text from name structure, but use Model Text Node is error. You can help me

PNT_TAO TEXT 3D TEN HG.dyn (29.4 KB)

Please create a separate thread and also make the error message readable and we will probably be able to help you.

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When I tested with a older graph where I do the same thing I don’t get any errors

Create modeltext for structures.dyn (26.1 KB)
I have tried to recreate the error and I get the same error in C3D 2023 with Camber 4.2.5 and I can’t create a new graph with the same purpose on C3D 2021

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@khang.civil.2000 - I tested your graph and the 3D text was created properly. Please post a screenshot of the warning message.

@patrick.ericson - I tested your graph and had no issues. Does it fail for every input text string, or only certain ones?

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3 posts were split to a new topic: Object.SetColor with index

this is the warning message

Thanks. Does it generate solids for certain text and not others? It would help if you’re able to share the DWG.

this is file DWG

@khang.civil.2000 make sure the geometry scaling is set to Medium. There are several other posts on the forum with more information if you need.


Never mind @zachri.jensen the vacation did hit me really hard and I forgot to change geometry scaling :flushed:


Hi @zachri.jensen
I have a question about how to create external block references and set their attributes. When I create the external block reference, it appears without attributes, and when I try to set the attributes, I get the “eInvalidOpenState” error. Is there a way to do it correctly?

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2 posts were split to a new topic: Add Pipe Run to Profile View

Hi @pmendozas
Create a new thread on this one because I’m not able to split this out by my self.
Tag me on it and we can try to take it from there then.
If possible, upload you graph

Thanks, Patrick. Let’s keep this one here, I was able to replicate this issue.

I’m going to need to look a little deeper into this issue. I’ll try to get an update out with a fix as soon as I’m able.

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Is there a chance you’re able to add the sheet that a viewframe is connected to in a future update? As far as I’ve found, camber is the only package that has actual viewframe and viewframe group nodes in it. I wish I had any inkling of how to import it with python because I found the reference for it in the API document.

Usage would be for setting a sheet number (determining if it’s between the start/end station of view frame) in one of our quantity block attributes (not visible) so we can export it out to excel and also use it for setting start and end station sheet custom property for our plan and profile sheets.

Hi @heb_C3D,

Sure thing, I’m not sure why I left that out originally :thinking: probably just missed it!

Note that there will only be a new node for getting the sheet name. Setting the sheet name will not be available. Sounds like this will be fine for your workflow using block attributes, but just wanted to clarify.


Hi @zachri.jensen Are there any plans to get Feature Line Styles and Marker styles by name rather than using a dropdown? Unfortunately I cant workaround with Python either as the FeatureLineStyle DBObject cant be converted to a camber object