Call all elements in Document

Dear Specialists,

My endgoal it to receive all elements in the document. Not only the active view.
When i call WhereElementIsNotElementType I dont receive all elements that are in document (only active view). So i Call WhereElementIsElementType. After this I receive ElementTypes or other types.

How to convert this to a normal Element where I can work with?



Or could I directly call all elements in document (not only active view) without via ElementType?

import clr

#load the Revit API
from Autodesk.Revit.DB import *

#load the Documentmanager out of library RevitServices
from RevitServices.Persistence import DocumentManager

#load the Current View (with Revit Services)
doc = DocumentManager.Instance.CurrentDBDocument

#load the Elements in view (with Revit API) and Unwrap it!
ELEMENTEN = UnwrapElement(FilteredElementCollector(doc).WhereElementIsElementType().ToElements())


No need to unwrap from a FilteredElementCollector as it retrieves a collection of Revit Element types which are not Dynamo types (DS type).
If you really want to get everything start with
OUT = FilteredElementCollector(doc).ToElements()
The Dynamo Python node will convert these to DS types when processing the result
EDIT Jacob is correct re: FEC requiring at least one filter - see below (I was not at my workstation to check) - also this - Do Not Filter For All Elements


Yeah - all filtered element collectors need some manor of filter.

Try this:
OUT = FilteredElementCollector(doc). WhereElementIsNotElementType().ToElements()

That should get all elements in the model except for element types, which while they are in the file they are not yet in the design.
