Cable tray support script fails

Hello all,

I am working on dynamo script for Cable tray support. I am partially executing this script for cable trays avoiding fittings. however, with current script I am able place support along cable trays, but it is not working for all cable trays within the project.
I am attaching herewith my script.
I need help on two things,

  1. as mentioned above script works only for few cable trays.
  2. when i tried this script including freezed portion of script for fittings, support fails to rotate as per angle of cable trays.

thanks in advance for any help.
Cable Tray Support _ Progress - Copy.dyn (1.5 MB)

There is a low chance anyone is going to be able to download your script, set up a project and replicate your exact issue.

Your better chance is to run the script with the errors expand all the node results or add alot of watch nodes and show the exact flow of data or sny errors.

Thank you for reply @pyXam.

I am attaching few snaps here to elaborate the issue. Scripts executes successfully

without any error, but if will see the snaps, marked portion does not have any supports.

I have tried uploading .rvt file as well but size restriction is there.

let me know is there any other way to share .rvt file here.

Hello @parikshit.thombare8X you can share your files with webtransfer, filetransfer etc…and share the link here

Don’t pst the whole file - just two runs, one which works and one or two which does not but that are all near each other.

Be sure to open a detached copy, then delete all materials, delete all the elements, then delete all views but one 3D view showing the elements, delete all schedules, purge unused 3x and finally save the detached file as a few central.

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@jacob.small as suggested attached both files here. please review and let me at which point I am going wrong.
Project1.rvt (6.8 MB)
Cable Tray Support _ Progress - Copy.dyn (260.8 KB)

Hi @parikshit.thombare8X probably something here could work,

I am unable to see this Level parameter at my end

allright, you will need to show your graph where its wrong in an image where all nodes expanded

I have updated my graph per your suggestion; however, it still fails to assign cable tray level to support level. I am attaching herewith Snaps and script.
can you please help me with this?
I am not able to see that level parameter in support family as well.
In snaps you will see that Supports are placed at some different host i.e. below the cable trays.
Cable Tray Support-Final-16Jan.dyn (81.2 KB)

Hi @parikshit.thombare8X i have just openend your graph it isnt what i suggest thats probably why…i can take a look later

hi @sovitek, Yes I have modified that script as per my requirement.

Please let me know where I am going wrong.

I am not sure whats goin in your graph, try as showed and try work from there…i cant create that issue. Is it a link you work on, if that the case be sure their share origin or transform, calculate the levels elevaion…if i should go deeper in that i will need a snip of these models you work on…btw i only give examples i dont create your project, and many things can probably go wrong, depends on your models…

Hello @sovitek
Yes cable trays are in host model and arch model is linked to it.
I have also checked the origin it is same for both models.

seems you level 0 is above your origin, but hard to see on that image