Building Dynamo from source in Visual Studio

Hi @Thomas_Mahon

You will need the following to build Dynamo from source:

-Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
-GitHub for Windows
-Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.
-Microsoft DirectX (install from %GitHub%\Dynamo\tools\install\Extra\DirectX\DXSETUP.exe)

Here is how you can install it.

Go to and clone the repo,
do the same with

  • Download Dynamo master and DynamoRevit 2017 to the same forlder with github desktop.

  • From GitHub Desktop open Dynamo and open the DynamoAll solution in Visual Studio

  • After Dynamo Core is build Run restorepackages.bat inside DynamoRevit.

  • Bulid DynamoRevit 2017

  • Add .addin file to %appdata%\Autodesk\Revit\Addins\2017\ with path: “[Your GitHub Folder]\Dynamo\bin\AnyCPU\Debug\Revit_2017\DynamoRevitVersionSelector.dll”

Hope it helps!