Bridge model problem - adaptive component overlaps at segments

Hello guys, I am new to dynamo and REVIT and tried modelling bridge with 3 adaptive componenet bridge deck. However, the connections of the bridge deck family at bridge segment is weird. For now, my main objective is to have my bridge deck family trace the path i have shown and have segments with variable or specific lengths. You can see the problem in the pic below and obtain all files for it. Bear in mind that this is my 1st project and scripts are probably very bad.

Myway_rev1.dyn (74.6 KB) Bridge Adaptive 3 points type A.rfa (976 KB)

You need to Calculate & Set the values of the angles of the reference points to adjust and unify the internal faces of bridge segments.

Hello, you need to set the included Angle for each section of the bridge and design line, and you need to set the included Angle parameter in the adaptive family to drive the model deflection Angle.