BoundingBox Problem

Bonjour à tous,
c’est mon tout premier poste sur ce forum je vous remercie d’avance pour votre indulgence.
j’ai un petit problème qui me bloque dans mon programme dynamo.
je ne n’obtient pas le même résultat quand je compare la bounding box avec à la source le bloc select model élément et le même élément via un trie de propriété.
savez vous pourquoi j’obtient des réponses différente ?
merci d’avance

Translated using Google translate by moderator:

Hi there,
This is my very first post on this forum, thank you in advance for your indulgence.
I have a small problem that blocks me in my dynamo program.
I don’t get the same result when I compare the bounding box with the source block select model element and the same element via a trie property.
do you know why i get different answers?

Voici la 2éme image pour la comparaison avec la première.

Please note the official language of the forum is English, so do translate your post into english to enable searchability and for people to more readily assist you. This can be done most simply using Google translate.

There is also a forum in French if you would prefer, although it’s currently down (@Alban_de_Chasteigner might know why?):


Bonjour Maxime,

In order to help you we need some more information:

  1. What versions of Revit and Player are you running?
  2. Are you able to share your graphs with us (the dyn files)?


for the QA team, Neal

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@GavinCrump FYI
We have an issue with the french forum. The owner is nowhere to be found and the site is down…


Zut alors

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i will try to speak in english
thanks for your help

Good morning mister burnham,
at first thank for your help. version of revit is revit 2020.2 and my dynamo version is : - dynamo core
- dynamo revit
2.for your second question i can’t share my graph with you because i am new in your forum.
but i can explain what i want with my graph.
for my project i need to follow a cable tray, so start with the cable tray with a specific parameter value (TGNR) and go until an other cable try with an specifique parameter value.
to finnaly have list of the all connection to the point A to the point B.
in the graph of the topic you can see i c’ant find the bounding box intersection when i use the element from parameter value.
my english is véry bad i hope you understand me.

I think the issue here is list structure. The selected element is a single item, but the element you return from the parameter filter is a list of that item. Nodes will often assume lacing or list levels based on list structure. Your current workflow works with a single item because it get’s intersected with every bounding box from the other list. When you have a list against a list, the graph assumes they’re grouped and intersects them within the group only. You need to make your graph work with multiple elements that could have the same parameter value. It should just be a matter of forcing list level @L1 for the elements you’re checking.

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No problems if you prefer to use a service like Google translate. We’re very happy to see Dynamo used in all areas of the world and across many languages (programming is quite a universal connector!), it’s mainly just so people can find your thread for keywords in future by searching when they might have a similar problem.

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Good morning mister boyts.
you resolve my problem thanks
to complete your explication i find a good video on youtube.



boundingBox.dyn (11.9 KB)