Hi It’s Christmas Eve and i have some (noobish) geometry problems. I created a voronoi on surface and I have no idea how to cut all the extents and stay only with the geometry I need. In my case they are around 40 kilometers long
Happy Holidays everyone!
Hi Viktor,
Why not query the curve’s length and discard the ones that are over a certain realistic limit? Happy holidays
Thanks, Dimitar.
I tried it and in the lists everything looks fine to me. Though when i try to create sweeps over the curves it gives me some strange results.
Hey Viktor,
What method are you using to create your sweeps? I recommend “Solid.BySweep”:
Previously i used surface.bySweep. I tried it with solid now and the results are identical.
I found a mistake. I was keeping the path for the sweep from the unsortet node
Thanks a lot, Dimitar.
I was also wondering is there a way to create a non-linear type of geometry from this with Dynamo? I am thinking of something like these:
I don’t think you can accomplish that with out of the box Dynamo. Hopefully someone can prove me wrong tho. Good luck!