Block rotation based on civil alignment

Hi All,

Getting confused with block insertion and rotation relative to using insert point by Point.ByCartesianCoordinates from an civil alignment. need some help. what nodes should I look at?

I’m able to inset block at correct location based on selected alignment by Point.ByCartesianCoordinates, but if I rotate or move the civil 3d alignment, the blocks are inserted correctly but the rotation

of the block is not relative the alignment although the point location for the block insertion was

generated from the location and direction of the alignment object.

How do I set the rotation of the block so it’s relative to the direction of the alignment, like 0, 90 or 180 degrees to that object.

Hi @jcoon,

This is exactly what the BlockReference.ByCoordinateSystem node is designed to help with. As an analogy, think of a coordinate system in Dynamo like a UCS in AutoCAD. You can generate coordinate systems along the alignment using Alignment.CoordinateSystemByStationOffset. Then you can use those to create the block references.

Similar example here:

Thanks, Zachri, I’ll see if I can add this node to my sample.

Thank you


Funny, I found a post by me that KirkWM said to use you package “PointExtensions.AngleBetweenPoints”
was able to use that to rotate the blocks to the alignment direction.
Thank you

Get rotation or direction from selected object (polyline) - Civil3D - Dynamo