BimorphNodes Link Element of Category?

Hello Everyone, I just got a new computer at work and had to reinstall revit. I jumped into dynamo to make a graph and it seems something may have been installed wrong? Ive never had a problem getting room names this way. Please let me know if you know a solution.

I uninstalled and reinstalled and got this on the install…

anyone know how to fix?


you can update it…

i tested here it works

for update use this …

here you can see whether you have to update your packages!

if your version is too old,

delete (when revit closed) your packageefolder - just bim morphnodes and reinstallist!


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@Draxl_Andreas, thanks for the quick response. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the package and its still saying bimorph nodes uses a later version of dynamo and returns empty list.


or doing it the hard way :wink: … via Python…

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It’s not an issue with the install. It’s just telling you that the package was developed on a later version of Dynamo than what you’re using. Dynamo version is tied to Revit version so there’s nothing you can do besides use a later version of Revit/Dynamo.

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Try installing the IronPython Package

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I tried to run in revit 2022 and it didnt work either. I will try revit 2023 and let you know.

Good thought, but previous versions would have IronPython installed already.

I have to ask the obvious, @ZJRODGERS, have you confirmed that linked model does have Rooms?


Yes it has rooms, I was second guessing it for a minute but i can tabselect them through the link.

I can run the same nodes in 2.3 without issue. I’d double check a few things with the linked model:

a) Make sure the rooms are in the parent link and not in any embedded links.
b) Make sure phases are mapped between models and setup appropriately.
c) You can always setup a basic test model to confirm whether it’s a file issue or a process issue if these don’t seem to help.

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i set up a test file after and i got it to work in the test file. I then resaved my Arch model and relinked it and its working now. I dont know what the issue was but its working now.

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