Best way to collect user input?

Unless I’m mistaken DataShapes for Dynamo has become commercial ( ). What are the suggested alternative ways to get user input? I can use ‘IsInput’ to some success.

I’d like to make a list of options the user should choose between which will be presented to them as IsInput in the player. Just like a select Type drop down menu.

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Otherwise Datashapes & Dynamo player and some packages have the same idea Datashape’s has, you have to learn WinForm with python to customize what you need in a window like Data-shapes
or to learn how to make your own Zero-Touch nodes

Data-Shapes package is the best way to do this combined with Dynamo player.

While the Data-Shapes team is a consultancy, the package is still available on package manager here: (that’s the current version at time of posting - best to check for updates at in the future as this is a frequently updating package). That version contains all the UI++ goodness which we’re come to know and love, as well as many other great tools. The source code for much (all?) of the package is also available online here: GitHub - MostafaElAyoubi/Data-shapes: code for revit, dynamo.


Thanks for the help. So Data-Shapes, WinForms with Python or Zero-Touch Nodes