Batch Override Lineweights for Interior Elevation Boundaries

Thanks! I wasn’t thinking the term “section” but see where you were going with it.

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Hi John,
I just watched one of your webinars. Great work! At first I was struggling with where to find the rhythm.overrideinteriorcrop node and ended up here in the forum where I now see the viewsection.overridecrop and version2 nodes. Could you please explain to me how I might select all the interior elevations on a sheet using these new nodes like you did with the rhythm.overrideinteriorcrop node in your webinar? Thanks!

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Thanks for sharing. Do you happen to know a way to “Get all the viewports and views” in an entire project set rather than by individual sheet? I’m still searching for how to do this and haven’t found anything yet.


I ran this yesterday and had all my interior elevations turn out as expected. I was able to adjust the crop boundary as needed. However, this morning I added some new interior elevations and I’m not getting the override on the crop boundary lineweight. What am I missing?


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I had similar trouble. Please try this graph and let me know how it works for you.
Override Interior Elevation Crop Boundaries Lineweight 2018.10.29.dyn (30.6 KB)

i have the same problem but instead of overriding the line weight i want to override the line style to be dashed line instead of continuous. and i don’t see in the thread any line styles override mentioned , could anyone help me with this , i want all the crop views line in the project to be dashed and so far it couldn’t be done except manually .

This is nearly 2 years old, and already has a solution. Please start a new topic linking back to here and providing relevant files.