I am working on scripts to batch create plan views from an excel spreadsheet with 141 views.
The context of this problem is that we are working on translating content from one firm’s project template to another so we need to essentially recreate a completed project entering CDs.
I am trying to write scripts that will work for transferring plan views, RCPs, elevations, sections, etc.
I tried to put together two different scripts but neither are working out for me.
I am having a hard time finding documentation on the node FloorPlanView.ByLevel and knowing what I am supposed to input for that node to process successfully. My script keeps breaking at that point.
I tried to simplify it by only looking at level one plans.
I think there is an issue with going from the code block node where I am trying to call out list 0 and list 1 for the view names and levels to the nodes FloorPlanView.ByLevel.
I had imagined that in a Revit project, with the levels created that are called out in the excel spreadsheet, that I could automate the creation of plan views in the model.