Batch converting all parameters in a file from Family Parameter to Shared Parameter

Hello I am new to Revit and looking for some advice. I have many .rfa files that are filled with family parameters. For every parameter, as shown in the screenshot below, I want to:

  • Change the Parameter type from Family to Shared
  • Change Parameter Data from Type to Instance
  • Set Group Parameter Under: Data

Unless I am missing something, from my research it seems the best way to do this would be to delete and replace all the parameters with the updated settings. Which Dynamo blocks should I use to accomplish this? For example what blocks are needed to open the .rfa file and read the parameters and their corresponding value?

Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

Thank you

And after that, do you want your shared parameters to have the same value as the Family parameters??

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yes exactly. For example I have a Depth parameter which has a value of 430.00. All I want to do is change it from Family to Shared, from Type to Instance and Group it under Data.

The Depth value should stay 430