Automation of Area Boundary Lines

I would like to continue the discussion and attempt to only have those walls apart of a “model group” be recognized by the script. Currently, all the walls in the view are being recognized. I would like to Filter those out and only have exterior walls be recognized for the creation of my Area Boundary Lines.

I’m looking for a way to Filter Wall Selection By a Model Group or maybe even wall type. Thoughts?

Hi Kulkul,

Do you know why I don’t get the area seperationlines? Do I miss something? I am just starting with Dynamo.


Actually I’m also here to ask the same question. the node AreaSeparator.FromCurve (from Clockwork package) does create lines, but they are NOT area lines, not to mention that the term used is incorrect. We need to create Area BOUNDARY lines not area separation lines, which do not bound areas.

Hi @Sietze, your View should be Area Plan, not your main plan, You should rename your area plan, and select it, then it will show nicely.

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Hi @Tinot, thanks for showing me I need to better understand the input from now on :slight_smile:

I have found that even in Area Plans, the area lines created are bugged- if you copy and paste them aligned to same place, you will find they will take areas.