I started over. Found this forum post with a good answer by stillgotme. Code now opens, saveas, and closes with the desired options. Now I’m moving on to changing project parameter values.
Revised code is below:
#Node Inputs
template_docs = IN[0]
project_docs = IN[1]
params_to_modify = IN[2]
new_param_values = IN[3]
output = []
open_options = OpenOptions()
open_options.Audit = False
open_options.DetachFromCentralOption = DetachFromCentralOption.DetachAndPreserveWorksets
worksharing_options = WorksharingSaveAsOptions()
worksharing_options.SaveAsCentral = True
save_options = SaveAsOptions()
save_options.MaximumBackups = 50
save_options.OverwriteExistingFile = True
save_options.Compact = True
report = []
if IN[0]:
for template_path_str in template_docs:
#Get the save file path/name that is associated with the current template path/name
current_doc_index = template_docs.index(template_path_str)
project_path_str = project_docs[current_doc_index]
#Convert trings to model paths
template_model_path = FilePath(template_path_str)
project_model_path = FilePath(project_path_str)
#Open file
newdoc = app.OpenDocumentFile(template_model_path, open_options)
#Update ProjectInfo parameter values
#SaveAs and Close file
newdoc.SaveAs(project_model_path, save_options)
except Exception, e:
report.append("Exception at Open/Save Level : " + str(e))
report.append("Please attach the list of template paths to the IN[0]")