Automating Furniture Placement in Office Building Model Using Excel Data


I am creating a model of an existing office building. The requirement for building the model is to include all the desk furniture for each office. I already have all of this desk furniture modelled and there are 20 different types each of which I have identified with a type mark T1, T2, T3… etc. I have an excel file of which family types are in which room

Once I create this model, and place all of the office rooms, is there a way that I can streamline placing these furniture families in relation to the excel file I have, or do I have to just go into the model and place them 1 by 1 accordingly. Many thanks, Aidan

I recommend taking a look at the dozens of threads covering Excel to Revit, but the typical workflow is to gather all your Excel data, sort and/or group it if it’s not already, and then sort/group your Revit rooms the same way. You can also use a dictionary to match the room identifier (name, number, Id, etc.) to the furniture information. Once your lists are matched up it’s just a matter of placing the furniture elements at the corresponding room location. You can use a furniture dictionary to simplify this process as well.