Automate placing Pipe Accessory (Valves)

Hi T_Pover,

First of all, are you the creator of the MEPover package? If so, I’m very grateful!

And then the question: I try to automate the placing of flanges next to pipe accessories. Most of it works fine, but I have a few problems:

  1. The node MEPfitting.ByPointsAndCurve only adds a few flanges, usually two or one, but should add more, like 12 in example shown below.
  2. The added flanges doesn’t show up in the output. This is a problems since I need to flip them and connect them etc.
  3. When placed on diagonal pipes, there is a small offset. See image below.

Do you have any ideas how to solve this?

Furthermore, I need to figure out which of the flanges I should flip, and how to flip them. The node FamilyInstance.Flip from WombatDynamo doesn’t flip flanges:( Any input on these issues are also most appreciated!