Automate information relating to fire resistance on element structure

I am a draftsman in an architecture firm.
I mainly work on collective housing projects. One of
my daily tasks consist in modeling and specifying the requirements in terms of
Fire Safety (IS) on structural elements. I would like to remove these
repetitive operations. And this, while respecting the regulations in force.
This is why I would like to set up the creation of a routine allowing the setting up
automatic information on structural elements (bearing or not) with dynamo but my knowledge is very low

I will be very grateful for your help
Sorry for my english

Welcome! Please check out this post on how to get help on the forums.

Thank you for your answer, I had not seen

I have gone through the topics concerning the automation of information but I don’t know how I could introduce the regulations but there is no topics about it

You probably won’t find topics that cover your exact scenario, but you will certainly find topics covering data extraction, conditional statements, and model creation/manipulation in general. It’s your responsibility to apply those ideas to your specific process.

You’ve also provided almost no information. All you mention is that you want to automate the repetitive operations around Fire Safety. You need to show some work and provide enough information that anyone willing to offer help can do so.

For anyone new to Dynamo it’s always best to start with the Dynamo Primer. Walk through it step by step and learn the basics so you have some point of context for what people are suggesting.

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