Auto dimensions not always shown after succesvol run

Hey all,

I’ve made a script where I can dimension the columns visible in the view.
The script always says it runs with succes, but with some of the columns none of the dimensions are shown. I tried clicking the Element ID but Revit tells me no good view can be found.

The only related post I could found is this one without a solution: Dimension placed succes, but not visible - #3 by Arno_De_Lange

I know the problem should probably be with the columns themself. When I copy and paste a column that does work in the view where it doesn’t the dimensions will be placed after a new run.

I’m expecting the problem to be in the way the columns are placed in the project. I could not find any differences between the columns that work and that don’t. Neither are there any differences with the settings of the views themself… I can not track down how the columns were placed unfortunatly, it’s an old project were I am testing the scripts I make on.

Maybe some of you have other speculations on why this works the way it works, in the future I hope to always be able to succesfully run the script without ever needing to copy paste columns that work. :upside_down_face:

Thank you in advance for thinking about this with me!

The script after a run where no dimensions are shown:

I’m not sure, but it’s possible that the rotation angle of a column that doesn’t create dimensions is slightly off parallel to the associated grid.
If that’s the case, it’s solved by ensuring that dimensions are entered by referencing the corners of the column rather than the faces.

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