I have to give dimension from edge of family to center of another family in assembly view do we have script for that.
Thanks @Draxl_Andreas for reply
Auto dimensions can be a hard task. Not a solution but check out AGA CAD (paid add-in) it has auto dimensions/view creation/tagging/schedules ect. Once all the configs are done with for the first time you just select all the elements and boom - complete documentation in one click every time.
Look into dimensioning to element references using Genius Loci. By default, a family already has the Center Front/Back, Center Top/Bottom and Center Left/Right reference planes. So that part is already done. All you need to do is the edge reference planes for the other family. Name the references accordingly, then you can pull the references by their names and dimension to them. Give it a go and if you come across a stumbling block with your script, post your issues and we can help from that point.