Assign Value within for loop

I think this is mostly a Design Script issue… i am still new at it.
i am trying to assign the Level of a pipe fitting based on its location with respect to the levels in the Document.
So i will compare its Z location with respect to the Levels Elevation.
As you can see below, i am getting “Empty List”. I have tried many things, based on the Forums, but i guess i am still missing something fundamental or this should not be an issue.

Can someone help me out see what i am missing?


def elActualLevel(el_lst:var[],lvls_lst:var[]){

el_cnt = DSCore.List.Count(el_lst);
lvl_cnt = DSCore.List.Count(lvls_lst);


for(ec in 0..el_cnt){
   // Get point.Z of each element
   g = Element.GetLocation(el_lst[ec]);
   pt = Points.DeconstructPoint(g);
   pZ = DesignScript.Dictionary.ValueAtKey(pt,"Z");

   for(lc in 0..lvl_cnt)
      if(pZ > lvls_lst[lc]) {
return el_lvl_lst;


Is the Points.DeconstrucPoint a custom node?
Regardless, I think you won’t be able to extract the point Z of each fitting through a for-loop. If I’m not mistaken this is not a static method.

Maybe you can get the location and each Z coordinate out of the Imperative mode and then proceed with your idea.

Hi EdsonMatt,
It looked like the culprit was GetLocation. I could not put it in the imperative block. it complained about non static function. So i kept it above the imperative block.
The reason i did not see this is that warning message the first time around, before i submitted my question, is that i was building the code as a def function, and calling it as you see in image below. It was only when i switched to writing the code as in-line codeblock, and not a function call, did i start seeing these warnings… i am not sure if there is a switch for hiding these warnings. it would have saved me a lot of time if i did see them early on.

So here it is now, it gets the location of a Pipe Fitting based on its Location on the Z axis, regardless of what the Revit assignment for it is, in the properties window.

Thanks for your response,

// Get the Level of a Fitting Based on its Z location with respect to Level Elev in Doc.
def fittActualLevel(fitt_el_lst:var[], lvls_lst:var[]){

// Get Z of Center of Fitting
fitt_el_geo_lst = Element.GetLocation(fitt_el_lst);
fitt_el_pt_lst = Points.DeconstructPoint(fitt_el_geo_lst);
fitt_el_pZ_lst = DesignScript.Dictionary.ValueAtKey(fitt_el_pt_lst, "Z");

 lvls_elv_lst = Revit.Level.Elevation(lvls_lst);
  lvls_nm_lst = Revit.Level.Name(lvls_lst);

// Sort the List by Elevation (by keys)
lvls_sort_lst = DSCore.List.SortByKey(lvls_lst, lvls_elv_lst);

// Seperate the two Dictionary output ("sorted list" and "sorted keys")
lvls_elv_sort_lst = DesignScript.Dictionary.ValueAtKey(lvls_sort_lst, "sorted keys");
 lvls_nm_sort_lst = Revit.Level.Name(DesignScript.Dictionary.ValueAtKey(lvls_sort_lst, "sorted list"));

// get the counts of the elements and the Level sorted lists
 el_cnt = DSCore.List.Count(fitt_el_pZ_lst);
lvl_cnt = DSCore.List.Count(lvls_elv_sort_lst);


//------- Begin Custom Function here -----------


for(ec in 0..el_cnt-1)
  // i had to assign a Default value,
  //since the else overrides the if statement Below
  for(lc in 0..lvl_cnt-1){
    //if(el_lst[ec] >= lvls_elv_sort_lst[lc])
    if(fitt_el_pZ_lst[ec] >= lvls_elv_sort_lst[lc])
      el_lvl_lst[ec] = lvls_nm_sort_lst[lc];
//        else
//    {
//      el_lvl_lst[ec]="Missing";
//    }


//------- End Custom Function here -----------

return el_lvl_lst;
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Well done!!! :slight_smile:

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