Assign Assembly Code to element from Assembly Code file

Hello all,

Recently we developed a Assembly Code file. Now it is my job to give all our families an assembly code from the assembly code file. Is it possible to automate this process with Dynamo?

I’ve already tried some things but I can’t get further than assign a string to the Assembly Code Type Parameter. But this string has no relation to the Assembly code file so the Assembly Description doesn’t get filled in. By my knowledge this is only possible with Assembly Code file.

Can anyone help me with this problem, It is a hell of a job to assign a Assembly Code to all our family types by opening all our family’s.

Thanks in advance.

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Link the new Code file to a project, load all your families in that project.

Now script the new codes into the Type parameter. The Assembly description will pick up the text.

(maybe save out all the families if you want).

In my experience this is not a huge problem, as long as the right code is in the parameter, as soon as the family is loaded into a project with the right file linked the Assembly Description will be picked up.