Assembly View Creation Node Not working

Python Script For Assembly View Genneration.txt (3.0 KB)

As you can see I was trying to create assembly views by selecting assembly instance.But the node is not working.Do you have another solution to create assembly views.

Hi @Mahesh14tapkir are you sure standard is a titleblock type…

PS i know my node name is backup, thats what dynamo do in 2024 and probably 2023 as well when we edit the namespaces and save…not sure why

Envolvelab package have some nodes for that as well, probably these could work for you

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Thank you @sovitek I got solution to create Views but I am not able to generate Sheets and also Schedule Views like material takeoff and Speciality equipment schedule. from above node. If any another node please suggest or please modify python script to get assembly sheets and assembly schedule.

i also tried solution from this link Creating Structural Rebar Schedule for Assembly Views
But this didn’t work.

Hi . Hard to say as it works from my side after i have correct the name spaces, did you try with envolelab package ? or probably this one here from synthezise is better…not sure…whitch revit version are you in ?

ps whats happend when feed your titleblock into input[1]; not sure where your python node is from but i see you have 17 inputs ?

Actually node you have is of latest version of dynamo .But I am using Revit 2021 Dynamo.So node is different as you have shown to me.Talking about python script of 17 inputs that script is not running due to ironpythonevaluateironpythonscript. operation failed.Is is issue due to older version?
If there is issue of older version please provide me proper solution to generate schedule views of material takeoff and speciality equipment schedule.
Actually I am able to generate other view but not Schedules.

yes thats node have namespace error as well and needs to be correct…steamnodes should work in 2021…try again as in post 6 with steamnodes and onlly correct the name space as here and save your dyf…

Actually above solution is not working in Revit 2021.

Please refer above solution .But above solution is not working as version is 2021.Is there any solution?

then im not sure cant test in 2021, but if you do it with steamnodes does it give you a multicategori schedule ? as actuelly make sense when we talk assemblies at least for me :wink: but if you want a real categori schedule in your assemblily, then Cyrils solution work as a charm…try here as here …

test assemblies.dyn (57.2 KB)

im my script i avoid making the schedule from the tool since the layout option is not great.
Best way to get schedules is to duplicate a template schedule and assign assembly name filters using dynamo.
The Assembly view processor really needs a settings option to allow for template tittle block layout and schedule templates.