Array certain elements in dynamo

I have created a sloped glazed roof in revit using dynamo but now i want to create an array with this element in the x direction controlled with a slider. does anyone know why it won’t work?

Hi something here if i understand right with copy by vector from clockwork and could probably work with set location as well



PS better to do as here it could work on all orientation and not only x y direction…

Thank you very much, You are a great help. But do you know why i get a null output in element.copybyVector node?

no not sure…does it work with this one here ?? or try with a transaction end before copy by vector

SLOPED ROOF.dyn (24.9 KB)

PS and be sure you had DynamoironPython 2.7 package installed…which version are you in ?

Yes thank you! I just noticed that. Python version 2.7 wasn’t installed.

Again Thank you very much! Now i have what i wanted. :slight_smile:

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