I have created a sloped glazed roof in revit using dynamo but now i want to create an array with this element in the x direction controlled with a slider. does anyone know why it won’t work?
Hi something here if i understand right with copy by vector from clockwork and could probably work with set location as well
Thank you very much, You are a great help. But do you know why i get a null output in element.copybyVector node?
no not sure…does it work with this one here ?? or try with a transaction end before copy by vector
SLOPED ROOF.dyn (24.9 KB)
PS and be sure you had DynamoironPython 2.7 package installed…which version are you in ?
Yes thank you! I just noticed that. Python version 2.7 wasn’t installed.
Again Thank you very much! Now i have what i wanted.
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