Arkance Systems Node Library Feedback Thread

Version 7.4 is out now. Actually a small update, one new function to create Connected Alignments:

This results in:



Wonderful!! Will have a look at it

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That is a situation I actually don’t know how to improve. Creating a Connected Alignment is a bit unfathomable, things go a bit different than expected at first glance.

The manual function in Civil 3D asks a direction point too, but internally, in code, you need to enter two stations along the both Alignments. So, with the selected direction point I can calculate the nearest stations and use that in the code (just as the manual Civil 3D function works).

There might be some clever mathematical function to find the desired quad automatically but probably the offset values must be seen from the stations along the selected Alignments, which must be before or after the intersection, and has nothing to do with the direction of the Alignments (what I would expect).

The stations could be found programmatically from the intersection point (if the offset is given according to the both Alignments and not seen from the stations), but how to solve a situation where the Alignments cross each other multiple times?

So, a lot of challenges to deal with, and I am not sure what is the best path to follow. Do some clever things that break the way Civil 3D does? Or just as it is like now? That being said, here is an example how it works now:

The point is projected on both Alignments. the first Alignment is the horizontal one (direction does not matter), the second is the vertical one.

In case you give another direction point, but do not change the sign of the offset, the Connected Alignment can fall on the ‘wrong’ side (but it could be the desired situation of course).

Here you use the negative offset to get the new Alignment on the inner quad.

But how can you calculate if you need a negative or positive offset? I don’t know. Seen from the stations, in both cases the projected station along Alignment 1 is before the intersection, and along Alignment 2 it is once before and once after. So mathematically I would say: offset value for Alignment 1 would switch from positive (right) to negative (left) and the offset value for Alignment 2 should be negative (left) in both cases. But it is not how it works. It is trial and error (just like the manual function). Always a positive value for an inner Alignment would have been a good choice too, but that is also how it not works.

So, if you or anyone has a brilliant idea how to solve this with some undoubtable construction, please let me know :slight_smile:

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Anton i was trying to use some of your nodes for profile views buts its not reading from a list

wondering if you can help me with this.
The error is saying i need to use a “double” but i used a “double [ ]”

Do you have multiple Profile Views or just one?

just one

I had a closer look but actually you don’t use any node from the Arkance Systems Node Libray. The ProfileView.ByAlignmentPointName is from the Civil3DToolkit and the ProfileView.GetPointAtStationElevation is from the Camber package.

Maybe you can start a new topic with this question.

thanks, you’re right i had these confused. i got it to work now using the nodes from the correct packages


There is a nice function in Monocle package for node identifier. If you do not already use Monocle, I recommend you install it. It’s a “must have”, similar to Civil 3D toolkit, Arkance and Camber package


I just tried a few nodes for retrieving adress information. But there is no response from the server reply. Do i need to keep trying? :smirk:

If I remember well, the Location Server got a new url. I’ll put it on the list to fix. Thanks for the notification :slight_smile:


Thanks, Anton for all your hard work on maintaining your Dynamo package. Also, thanks for writing your book on Dynamo as it was my main introduction into working with it in C3D!

I’ve been working with two of your nodes in one of my graphs that I’m having a minor issue with.

The overall graph is pulling station and elevation values from Excel and then it’s creating a profile based on those values. If I edit the Excel file and rerun the graph, it will update the profile as expected. However, if I close Civil 3D or the graph and reopen it, rerunning the graph will at that point create an additional profile with (1) appended to the profile name.

I assume this is related to the bindings in some way and I’ve tried setting it to save bindings in the cad file as well as the graph, but the settings do not seem to change the result in any way. Because it seems to behave as expected unless I close the file, I was wondering if there is anything specific to your nodes that I am not doing correctly.

Any guidance or suggestions are appreciated!

Thank you too :slight_smile:

Just a quick test here, the Profile name is changing on an edit without reoping the graph or drawing:


Weird… I’ll put it on the list to examine further.

Thanks. I’m not sure if this is helpful or not but I was able to confirm, by running another graph that shows the two profiles the first graph created do appear to be associated to dynamo still.

Hi everybody,

Since this morning, I have been encountering issues with the ‘TinSurface Dropdown’ node. Every time I run my routine via the Dynamo Player, I get an error message and the routine is interrupted. When I check the graph in Dynamo, I notice that a second output port has been added to the right side of the node. However, the original node only has one output port. The more I run the routine, the more output ports are added. When I connect the wire to the top output, the routine works, but this has to be done manually each time in Dynamo.

Yesterday everything worked fine. Any thoughts?

Ok, nevermind. Apparently, ICT installed an ‘ArcGIS for AutoCAD connector plugin’ on my PC last night, and it seems to be incompatible with this node. Removing this plugin has (temporarily) resolved the issue. However, it remains to be seen how we will address this problem in the future, as we need both Dynamo and the ArcGis connector.

Is that only the case with the Arkance Systems Node Library or also with core dropdown nodes or from Camber or C3D Toolkit?

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I’ve tried it with the Custom Selection node (core) and that gave no problems.

Some of the Arkance nodes with dropdown menu work fine, others don’t. (e.g. Civil3D.UI.TinVolumeSurfaceDropDown)

Strange. I can’t reproduce. Also, I can’t imagine why the connector would cause this… :thinking: