Area info into Room information

Hi Everyone

I would like to know whether I can make a dyn file that will take the “Area Name” and “Area Number” parameters and overwrite the "Room Name " and “Room Number” parameters?

I have a project where they are using Area plans to make all their construction drawings and not 'normal" floor plans.

I have found a .dyn file that does this for HVAC Spaces but cant seem to rework it to work they way I need it to.

Can this be done and how?

As always any help is appreciated.

Hi Dirk,

Yes it can be done!
how! You need to put screenshot of your requirement or tell us what exactly your looking for?

Hi Kulkul

please see the attached project file.

I would like the Area Names and Area Numbers from the area scheme Gross Building. To populate the Room Names and Room Numbers in my normal ground floor plan.

Could i have the option to choose the Area scheme from where the values are taken?

Thanks again for the effort.Area to Room Info Project.rvt (1.2 MB)

Hi all
I’m making my first steps in Dynamo and found myself with this exact same problem.
Even thou I tried to copy Kulkul’s dynamo file, I get this warning:

Any ideas?
Thanks a lot!

It seems there is typing error. Can you show python script? And also do you have gross building Area plans?

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Hi Kulkul! Thanks for your reply.
I had my Area Plan views closed! Now the node is working, but there’s something wrong and I can’t seem to figure it out:

Something seems to be messing the values

Thanks A LOT!

Can you show the values of nodes?

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change lacing to “Cross Product” on “Element.GetParameter” node.

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@GaboBenitez Next time ask query on a new post don’t hack others queries. Thanks :slight_smile:

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Now it’s working, but it’s replacing room name AND number with the same value… again I can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong

EDIT: Sorry about the querie, didn’t mean to start a new post about something that was already asked. Next time will do!

Try this file Area Name to Room Name.dyn (6.4 KB)

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Sorry to keep bothering you man, but it seems to be overwritting the area number values into the room name values.