I would like to know whether I can make a dyn file that will take the “Area Name” and “Area Number” parameters and overwrite the "Room Name " and “Room Number” parameters?
I have a project where they are using Area plans to make all their construction drawings and not 'normal" floor plans.
I have found a .dyn file that does this for HVAC Spaces but cant seem to rework it to work they way I need it to.
I would like the Area Names and Area Numbers from the area scheme Gross Building. To populate the Room Names and Room Numbers in my normal ground floor plan.
Could i have the option to choose the Area scheme from where the values are taken?
Hi all
I’m making my first steps in Dynamo and found myself with this exact same problem.
Even thou I tried to copy Kulkul’s dynamo file, I get this warning:
Hi Kulkul! Thanks for your reply.
I had my Area Plan views closed! Now the node is working, but there’s something wrong and I can’t seem to figure it out: