Are there any Dynamo Training Manuals available?

Does anybody know if there are any Dynamo Training Manuals currently available on the market? Maybe something similar to an Ascent Manual?

FREE YouTube course on Dynamo for Revit.

Dynamo Primer online

Thanks, but I’m looking for something more along the lines of an instructor resource rather than tutorials and courses. or

Also search for Autodesk University online resources???

Marcello the presenter has a book on cheatsheets.

All I’ve seen on LinkedInLearning and Udemy are courses for learning Dynamo. I’m looking for resources for teaching Dynamo. I haven’t checked AU Online yet, good idea!

Thank you! This looks very useful.

I think you have to make your own PowerPoints. I made my own when I taught it to colleagues.

Here is a great book from @Marcello :slight_smile:

Wow, I’ll definitely have to check that out. Thanks!

Thanks for your help!