I’ve got one list & I want to find out which of those values exists in another list
This works, but I’m just wondering if there’s a simpler (OOTB?) way without the “AnyTrue” Clockwork node.
I was hoping there was some way to tweak the Lacing of the List.Contains node or something.
Guess I’ll stick with AnyTrue
I need to return a list of True/False for EVERY item in the larger list so I can apply a Boolean mask downstream.
Maybe I simplified my example too much.
@DaveP You can do this way with List.Contains node:
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THAT’s what I was looking for.
I’m happy that it works, but not quite sure of the logic.
As I think I understand it, you’re asking
“Is 1 in 8 or 4?”
“Is 2 in 8 or 4?”
Is 3…etc
Feels backwards, but I guess that’s the trick
Yep! sometimes we need to go backward before we can move forward
Mark the post as solved.
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