Archi-lab "Print PDF" Print Range setting

Hello everyone,

I am currently developing a Dynamo script where I want to print a view set into PDF form. However, all the examples I have found use the “Select” Print Range. I have tried to look around for other examples using “Visible” or “Current” (including the package website), but I haven’t found information regarding this.

My question is: Why is the “Select” range the most common? What are the other Ranges used for?
Any feedback is appreciated :slight_smile:

That’s because the nodes expect a list of views/sheets to print, in which case you need to use the selected views/sheets option in the printer:

Current window is used for directly printing only the active view or sheet in your screen;
Visible portion is as the name suggest more of a snippet function that prints a part of the active view
Selected views/sheets is a list of views/sheets (or a single sheet/view) or viewset you select in the following dialogue window after pressing select.

Dynamo does that for you if you just feed it views or sheets.
In your case, where you need to print a viewset as PDF files, you’d also need the Select print range, as you should be feeding the PDF node a list of views( the viewset)

Hello and thank you for your reply,

That makes a lot of sense. And yes, I have used the “Select” range because of my view set.
Thank you for clearing this up :smiley:

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