Apply shared parameters automatically

Hello i just finished my first script and it all works perfectly exept from one part…

i have

01_first script that generate the shared parameters that i need in the “Rooms” (linked)
01_Crea parametri R.A.I…dyn (56.8 KB)

02_second script that fill all the just created shared parameters whit their values (linked)
02_Calcolo R.A.I…dyn (298.6 KB)

problem is that when i run all the stuff for the first time i see the shared parameters not only being created but also being applied to the rooms automatically, if instead i open a new file i can see the shared parameter created before but for apply them to the rooms i have to make a tedious work going in
Manage → Settings → project parameters → New Parameter → shared parameter
and apply it to “room” category…for each shared parameter…


is there a way to make this process of application automatic inserting in the second script some nodes that after i have created the shared parameters whit the first script, go catch them in the txt. file and apply them to the rooms at the first run of the second script ?
(or a third script in beetween if necessary for avoid problems like values that dosen’t find the paramter becouse isn’t still applied to the room)

Hi @f.amman if i understand :wink: Datashapes have a node add sharedparameter from txt, probably it could help