All views with a particular element

Complete noob here but I’m trying to get a list of views with a particular category (Pipe or Wall) of elements on it and get it to popup and show me.

I’m using Dynamo 1.3.2 and Revit 2016.

I found the Category node and the All Elements in Category but not how to combine them.

Any help appreciated

Can you explain the end game here so we can come up with an efficient workflow.
Going through views in a large projects could take a while :slight_smile:

Also please show what you have tried so far :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your replies. I’ve uploaded my attempt but it is not right! I used Springs.Collector.ElementsInView but what I want is ViewsFromElements or something like this. In the end I want the use to be able to select views from a list.


Don’t think the image loaded properly last time