Add Shared Parameters To Selected/Filtered Families of Same Category


I have a project which includes several families of same category. For instance, the project contains Antenna 1, Antenna 2, Radio 1, Radio 2, Radio 3… etc

I want to add shared parameters only to Antenna 1 and Antenna 2 families in in the project as instance parameters. I have used a filter in my script based on a parameter “Description”

The problem is that I am able to create share parameters inside the text file but I can not see the parameter in the properties/family editor. I have used the “CreateSharedParameter” from Orchid Package

I have attached the dynamo script. Please help :slight_smile:

New2.dyn (33.2 KB)

Can you repost your graph image using the Export Workspace button in Dynamo? Your current image is zoomed out too far and illegible. Make sure all the node names are visible before exporting the image.

Can you also explain this a little more? If you’re saying the parameter doesn’t show up when you manually try to load the parameter in Revit then you have a separate issue.

Hi Nick,
Sorry for the late response, I actually fixed this issue but now I am facing another problem. Please see the new topic that I have created and help :slight_smile: