Add project parameter for Key Schedule

and i cant use this parameters in my keyschedule (i did a test).
dynamo creates the schedule with the fields “Feld17”…“Feld24” but without the data.

Take a look here, I think it was known issue.

so i have to use this button in Revit:
is there no way to use the API from this button or a macro?

New parameters can only be created as shared parameters, and they are always associated with one or more specific categories. You can create a shared parameter without explicitly setting up or reading or writing to an associated parameter file, but a valid file path still needs to be specified by the application SharedParametersFilename property, and Revit will write information about the newly created parameter into that file.

Ok thanks, anyway.
Another way to supply the parameters to all users is to preper one project with max projectparameter we need and import the parameters from there.
That works for my key schedule.

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