Hi, I am trying to get the location points of original windows and add new ones to that locations. But only half of them are placed correctly. I’m very new to dynamo so feel free to correct me.
Are the hosts correct? You’re getting all the walls in the project but those aren’t neccesarily the same walls that host the windows. You can use GetHost on the windows to get their hosts with the same list order and formatting.
Edit: also it looks like 2 sets of windows being roughly correct, and the other 2 sets looking like they’d align edge to edge if you flipped them on edge rather than on centre. This could be an issue in family construction with how origin points, pinned reference planes, and flip controls are integrated. Try use the space bar and flip control arrows on both of the window families and see if there’s differences in how they work. You can also edit the family and check for this.
Thank you so much.
Assuming you are replacing them why not just set their type to the intended one?