Active Workplane of a view

I have an issue which has been bothering me for years now.

I am working in Germany and need to set the active workplane of my ceiling views. Here is what i get when a new view is created.


This would be fine if it were just four or five levels, but my office doesn quite a few high-rise buildings and this is not going towork on a 50-storey building. I’m not sure why it does this, because I haven’t had this issue in the past and I’d be delighted if it is a revit-setting I am overlooking.

Otjerwise, I would love to be able to do this in dynamo.

My Python skills are a 0 and peak at a meager 1 (out of 10) when working with that bastard chat gpt.

Any help or arrows from a human in the right direction are greatly appreciated.

I don’t believe it’s possible to do this without some Revit API and Python at the very least.

My thinking is the method here would be:

  1. For each view, get its related work plane (is it a reference plane or a level? If it’s a reference plane how does it relate to the level, is it’s level name in the plane name?)
  2. With that workplane, you can set the View.SketchPlane for that view
  3. Using Python or C you could iterate across all levels and set the planes that correlate to each view

The parts in the API for this are below. Hopefully these are enough for the AI overlords to work with in forming a more workable solution for you.

Hi Gavin,

It’s always nice to receive responses from such a guru-rich community! :wink:

You can read my response if you’re bored, but it’s mostly reference information for me / other members who bump into the same issue.

Revit Version

Background Info
In Germany, engineers are creating formwork drawings, and they looking at the slab above with an RCP. My models are set-up with one work-plane per level (Top of rough slab) and cut at that level, looking up to the next level.

The Issue
In the past, the work-plane would set automatically to the level the view is associated with. For some reason which is beyond my understandinig, new views are obviously still associated with the level, but when I go to model a beam it asks me to set the workplane. A slab does not, and it drawsthe slab onthe level associated with the level.

I’ve also tried using the sketch plane, but this does not set the work plane.

My Setup
I’m using dynamo and datashapes to guide users through setting up the templae and removing uneccesary content, but I also wanted to give the user an option to delete all levels and import via excel, or use the copy-monitor function for project utilitzing a shared grids and levels file. Using the option to import via excel, I would give another option to delete or re-align existing levels.

If I can’t automate setting the work-plane, then I will probably avoid allowing the user to delete levels.

I took a quick look at the View Class in the API and couldn’t find a member / method to set the work plane of the view. It looks like the workplane property is somewhat element-based, which is why, for example beams are forcing the user to choose a workplane.

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