Activate room calculation point of families in a project without open them and overwrite in project

Is there any way to activate the room calculation point of project Revit families with Dynamo without open each family and toogle on the option and save and overwrite in the project?

Might be a good place to start: ShowSpatialElementCalculationPoint Property

You would have to programmatically open each family, get the parent family, and then set that property before loading it back into the document. Watch your transactions - the transaction manager won’t help much due to changing documents so much.

Lots of round tripping to do here…

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Yes it should be possible here is an example with air terminals…from sparrow, but guess its a kind of background openings as well


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I am not sure if the family has already activated the room calculation point and if the node is only moving the position of the point. If that is possible I am very surprised :open_mouth:

It should activate as well