Access Entire List of Nested Families in Family Instance

Does anyone happen to know if it possible to access the entire list of potential nested families which are selected with an instance parameter? I can grab the active one, but I don’t know how to find the whole list. I am trying to do so without the nested families being set to shared if at all possible.

I am creating a graph which matches a view on a sheet with a corresponding bar scale in the titleblock family. Due to a large number of families required, I would prefer to avoid using shared families.

I have tried “FamilyInstance.SubComponents” without luck.

Did you ever figure this one out? I have a very similar problem and stuck on the same thing

Hi @JoziB

Could you drop TitleBlock rfa here?

I no longer work where this problem was encountered, so I cannot verify what the absolute final decision was. However, if I remember correctly, we bit the bullet and made the nested family shared so that they could be identified within the project file.

It a little off topic, but this post shows Python code that can get families / types that are nested.

@Kulkul I’m only seeing your response here now! I started a thread here: Set Title Sheet Nested Label Parameter for Generic Annotation

For the most part I have everything figured out except the final porting of writing the parameter.

With regards to getting nested families, I used a node to open each family and retrieve the nested items.

I have it in this script below, top left a few nodes in on the script