A question about the build of dynamo core and dynamo revit

when I check the build information of dynamo. what is the relation between dynamo core and dynamo revit? can I think that dynamo revit is the enhancement for dynamo core ?
does that mean the dynamo reivt build number is always same as the build of dynamocore?

I know both dynamocore.msi and dynamorevit msi were including in the dynamo installer exe, the builds for dynamocore and dymaorevit . if I fixed the dynamocore build, are there just 1 dynamorevit build can be matched or have several dynamo build be matched ?

for example, the dynamo 2.0. I fund that the default set is dynamocore 2.0+dynamorevit2.0, is it possible generate another set like as dynamocore 2.0+ dynamorevit 1.3?

The two versions are joined at the hip, core 1.3.2 = forRevit 1.3.2, core 1.3.3 = forRevit 1.3.3, core 2.0 = forRevit 2.0 and so on.