3D Room Color/Colour. Coloured Volumes using spring nodes direct shapes

I am attempting to replicate the graph in this video. My version of the graph is linked also.
I realise there are a number of posts about colouring 3-d views. But not many on colouring the volumes themselves.

However I am getting the error.

File “”, line 87, in NewDS
Exception: Element id categoryId may not be used as a DirectShape category.
Parametery name: category Id

Am I feeding the wrong information into the category part of the spring node?

Any thoughts or other ways to solve this would be welcome.


3d colour rooms.dyn (7.0 KB)

Try using a Generic Model category. I am fairly certain that Revit does not allow you to place geometry in the Room category.

Do you mean like this?

The error message has changed to

Type error: CreatElementInstance() takes exactly 5 arguments (7 given)


I did mean like that.

Pop open the custom node and see if you can narrow it down by reading the code contained in there.

It may also help to try processing a single element instead of the entire list. If that works then you can likely resolve the issue using list levels and lacing.

Thank you for the reply Jacob.

I tried running the function with one room in the project, which is what I think what you meant by one element. This produced the same error.

I have now opened up the Python script and can see this. Does this mean some of the “arguments” as it says need deleting? Possibly the tf1

I think I really need to be learning more python to fix these going forward.

Thanks again for you help so far.

I’ve tried re-creating your problem and it works for me as shown below in the Revit Sample Project:

Does your script work with the Sample file? If it does - then the Room Objects may be at fault, and if not, then you may need to get a different version of Springs :slight_smile:

I’m using: Dynamo 2.0.2 and Springs v132.2.8

Rooms_To_DirectShape.dyn (14.0 KB)


I was having an issue with spring the other day so it could be that. I will check and mark as a solution as and when I am able to manage an update of springs on the companies network location.

Thank you for your help both of you!


Edit: That is working now Sol. Thank you very much.

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