I’ve been getting crashes all day today whenever I try to use a Code Block node
Anytime I do anything with a Code Block, Dynamo crashes with an error referring to this:
I ended up uninstalling both 1.3.2 and 2.0
I reinstalled 1.3.2, and everything works fine.
Then I reinstalled 2.0, and it crashes again as soon as I try using a Code Block.
I have filed a bug report to github
hi @DaveP I also responded on your GitHub issue, please try this workaround:
essentially you want to rename the dynamo core 2.0 avalonEdit dlls so that the revit dll is loaded. It’s quite strange though that 2.0 would effect 1.3.2 as they should have separate core installations.
It might also be worth checking if duplicate copies of these dlls somehow got copied into the dynamoRevit folders.
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